Installing safety and security window film on school campuses just got easier for school officials.
National Glazing Solutions LLC dba NGS Films and Graphics, 3M’s largest window film dealer in the United States, received a GSA Schedule 84 contract that will allow school districts to streamline the requisition process to install 3M™ Safety and Security Window Film without the lengthy bidding processes.
Schools districts across the nation are increasing security measures on their campuses due to the increased number of active shooter incidents. In 2018, there were 191 incidents – which is more incidents in one year than in the last four decades, according to the Center for Homeland Defense and Security. In response, the Federal Commission on School Safety released a report in December 2018 with recommendations on how schools can enhance their security – including hardening windows with security film.
Purchasing Vehicles: Enhance School Safety
GSA Schedule 84 is designed to serve as the government’s premier purchasing vehicle for law enforcement and security solutions for state, local and federal officials. To obtain a GSA Schedule 84 contract, NGS Films and Graphics went through a rigorous prequalification and vetting process.
“GSA Schedule 84 will allow school districts to procure 3M safety films at pre-negotiated, ‘best customer pricing’ without having to go through a hard bid process where the end result may be having to accept a vendor or material that is not in the district’s best interest,” said James Beale, managing partner. “The way GSA Contracts work is that the federal government has already gone through the vetting process with vendors. Now that we have the contract, we are able to work with local, state and federal governments while saving their purchasing departments time and resources.”
Offering More Than Film: School Safety Plans
NGS Films and Graphics has worked with thousands of school districts nationwide on installing 3M™ Safety and Security Window Film Ultra Series and attachment systems. However, the company does more than just install film. NGS Films and Graphics works one-on-one with school district officials to create a school safety assessment. The assessment mirrors the Federal School Safety Commission’s recommendations on layered zones. It can be used for grant applications as well as meeting state reporting requirements.
“We care deeply about our schools and children and we work hard to ensure schools are secure,” James said. “This GSA Schedule 84 is a contracting vehicle that makes it much easier for schools to work with us. We want every school to have safety and security film because we believe that 3M’s Ultra Series and attachment system, ultimately, can save lives.”
NGS Films and Graphics also works with local, state and federal governments on a variety of other large-scale public projects, including international airports and other government-owned facilities.
Learn more about NGS Films and Graphics’ contracting vehicles and the GSA advantage.