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As a part of one of the largest healthcare systems in the world, the G.V. (Sonny) Montgomery VA Medical Center in Jackson, Mississippi understands how much patient comfort means, and how much a comfortable environment can help with the healing process. That’s why, when the heat gain in their west-facing corridor caused their building chillers to run nonstop, creating hot and cold spots, the VA Hospital knew they needed a fast solution that wouldn’t slow down their busy hospital. “The best choice for this project was a clear, high heat rejection window film,” said James Beale, Managing Partner at NGS. “It offered outstanding energy savings at a fraction of the cost of reglazing and allowed the engineers to ‘spot’ treat the specific areas with excessive solar heat-gain load – without changing the look of the building from the exterior.”


As well-known national experts, NGS was selected through the procurement process to install a top performing, spectrally select solar film that would cut the heat and keep the light. Unlike other films, spectrally select solar film blocks up to a staggering 97% of infrared rays, which are the solar rays that cause heat. These films can maintain 70% of the light while rejecting up to 55% of the heat on certain glazing profiles. After a speedy, unobtrusive installation of the selected spectrally select solar film, the VA Hospital’s chillers were able to stop running for a few hours per day, even in the hottest, most humid days of a Mississippi summer. That’s impressive in itself, but what was more impressive was how much the hospital was able to cut their energy costs. With spectrally select solar film technology, the hospital solved their hot spot problem, improved patient comfort, and most likely extended the life of their mechanical systems too. That’s an all-around success.

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