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Did you know there are literally thousands of options for window film? In fact, window film can:

Reduce cooling costs by reducing solar heat gain up to 80%

Protect against graffiti & acid etching

Harvest natural daylight

Modernize the exterior of a building

Come in colors, tints, or crystal clear

Provide protection against flying glass from blast or storm events

Stop up to 42% of heat loss

You’ve got a lot to learn to about window film, so it’s time to make your research process easy with continuing education opportunities about all the options from NGS Films and Graphics.

Access lunch-and-learns, office presentations, in-depth resources such as white papers, test reports, and brochures, and get the latest information about the newest advancements in window film technology. Easily.

Our team of experts is eager to assist you in your planning & design so contact us and rest assured that you no longer need to worry about whether you have vetted all of the options and materials. We will do that for you.


“Initially, you’re faced with literally thousands of options [for solar film], so having the immediate input from NGS to narrow down the choices was invaluable. NGS has the expertise in costing per square foot, as well as the knowledge to suggest specific solutions – it was extremely helpful to have access to the product information, pricing, and knowledge.”

Brian D. Kornasiewicz, Senior Project Architect, Heery International, Inc.


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Schedule your accredited lunch-and-learn with NGS today!

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