Window Film Building Renderings, Seeing is Believing
Many commercial property owners and asset managers seek out energy retrofits for their properties and look to window film for one of those options due to the compelling ROI’s and ease of implementation. These same individuals also are concerned about how the building will look after you apply a window film retrofit. The energy efficiency team at National Glazing Solutions LLC understands this and thus why we have developed a window film building rendering capability. This capability allows us to demonstrate what the glazing might look like after an interior or exterior 3M window film retrofit has been applied. Commercial window film retrofits more often than not improve the appearance of a building by eliminating “patchy” looking facades by muting the effects of window treatments. Window films are being used more and more to create improved appearance as one of the primary objectives. Keep in mind there are many types of spectrally select window films that are virtually invisible on the glass and do not enhance or change the look of the glazing. These films are used to eliminate hot spots or reduce heat gain on south or west elevations only without changing the overall look of the building. Spectrally select films are also great options for historical buildings that cannot change the look of the facade.
National Glazing Solutions Free Professional Services
Regardless of what the primary objective is for a window film project, architects, engineers and construction professionals around the country come to National Glazing Solutions for world class energy engineering, building rendering, design and installation expertise. Our in-house engineers will assist in identifying opportunities for savings and help you find potential rebates or grants to improve your project ROI. Contact our team of pro’s today to learn more about our premier services that are 100% free for qualified projects. Contact us at 866.925.2083 or email us info [at] nationalglazingsolutions.com